Keep your New Year’s Fitness Resolution going throughout the year


We all make New Year’s Resolutions at the start of the year to either lose weight or become fit – this is because we all know it is better for our health and when it comes down to it, we want to look damn good. But it’s around this time of year that New Year’s Resolutions fall to the way side a little as the busy days start kicking back in at work and the first thing that usually gets cut from the weekly schedule is our exercise routine.

It is especially hard during summer, when it’s easier to agree to dinner at a nice bar or restaurant by the water or at a pub with a great beer garden. So we chatted to our personal trainer, Patrick Dixon, a graduate from the Australian Institute of Sport, soccer player and founder of Eagle Eye Fitness about why we’re not losing as much weight as we want to.

“It is hard for people to lose weight because they are taking in more energy than they are using,” Patrick tells us.

“This could mean people are eating too much unhealthy food and despite working out, their calorie intake is still higher than energy used. Alternatively people who are eating moderately healthy but not exercising will be in a calorie surplus because they too are consuming more energy than they are using.”

This is why at the beginning of this year I started group personal training with a small group of friends (and strangers), so that we all hold each other accountable for attending (or not attending) and have fun working out together. Looking good and being fit is no joke, especially when you work in such a visual industry like the fashion and beauty industry.

5 Tips to keep your New Year’s Fitness Resolution going throughout the year

By Patrick Dixon, Founder & Trainer of Eagle Eye Fitness

  1. Wake up earlier. I know this is probably the last thing you want to do especially when it is cold and rainy and your tucked away in bed. However by waking up as little as 10 minutes earlier, it will ensure you have enough time to eat a filling breakfast. Research has shown that by starting your day with a hearty breakfast will make you less hungry over the day, more focused and help to speed up your metabolism.
  2. Prepare your meals on your day off. Yes it is easier to lay in bed, order pizza and catch up on the happenings of the Beibs on a lazy Sunday. However by utilizing a small percentage of your day off you can save yourself both money and time by making your meals (lunch and dinners) in bulk and storing in the freezer. Try cooking your lean meats like chicken and turkey with three sauces and salads and create variation by mixing with brown rice, brown pasta and quinoa for example.
  3. Talk to yourself rather than listen to yourself. Please don’t take this the wrong way and be one of those people that nobody wants to sit next to on the bus. What I mean here is use your inner (and not outer) voice to encourage and bombard your mind with positive thoughts. It is natural for the brain to think negatively, especially when it comes to change in particular changes in your lifestyle. Override this unwanted factor by being your own supporter telling yourself nothing but helpful phrases “I will become fit” or “I can do this”.
  4. Get past the three week period. One of the hardest challenges that comes with starting a healthy lifestyle change and any New Years Resolution is keeping at it. For changes I have made in my own training and eating habits I have found that if I can do them consistently at the same time and day for three weeks I am able to maintain these changes and turn them into habits.
  5. Track your progress. This point ties hand in hand with motivation. When you notice improvement in anything you are more likely to continue with it than if you were to stay the same. Take before and after shots at least one month apart, measure your waist and arms and weigh yourself. You will notice a much greater difference in your appearance with a one month separation then a one day separation.

Need more exercise tips or are in Sydney and want to join in a Group Personal Training session? Eagle Eye Fitness does sessions in and around inner Sydney and offer bulk purchase discounts. Let them know we sent you 😉 They also post weekly mini workout circuits to Facebook and Instagram as well which is great for mini workouts in your own spare time.