Courtney Love hating on Taylor Momsen on Twitter?

love_momsen_smallWe hated when Little Jenny started sporting raccoon eyes and a choppy hairstyle in Gossip Girl and it seems like we’re not the only ones who aren’t fans of her 1990s shaggy hair-grunge look. The look’s champion, Courtney Love has been on Twitter giving it to 16-year-old Taylor Momsen, who fronts her own rock band.

One day she wrote:

@taylorxmomson shut the F*CK up you overpriveliged bratty bitch that picked one every freak in high school mention my name again? BAM

And then:

@taylorxmomson is that youyr name? i dont watch tv or read teen mags and gossip rags so i wouldnt know, do NOT still “like my music” please

It seems that Love’s @courtneylover79 is real, but she should watch what she says on Twitter – Love is the first celebrity to be sued for defamation by clothes designer Dawn Simorangkir, also known as Boudoir Queen.

Meanwhile @TaylorxMomson is not Taylor Momsen’s real Twitter account (it’s actually @TaylorMMomsen) but that is no word so far to say if she has read Love’s rants against her.

[Via GG Insider]


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